Our focus is to simplify the life of all homeowners by providing reliable and trusted snow removal service when a storm hits.

Here are a few reasons Snow Squad leads the pack.

Easy on your property

Traditional snowplows can do damage to cement, lockstone and sod.

The Teflon tips on our industrial snow throwers ensure minimum contact with your driveway.

Avoid big snow banks

Our snow throwing operators are skilled at positioning the snow in a safe, unobtrusive location on your property.

Increased visibility when coming out of your driveway means a safer start to your day.

Trusted & Reliable

We’ve gained extensive experience with fleet and project management through our years of summer property maintenance.

Rest assured that our fleet will have you out for the morning drive and your driveway cleared by the end of your day.

Unlimited Passes

We offer unlimited snow removal in Sudbury after 5 centimetres of accumulation to make sure we clear that pesky snowbank often left behind by the city plow.