Five parent, cooperative centres came together in 1985 to form the Ottawa Federation of Parents’ Daycare Centres (OFPDC) to support and enhance the development of our unique model.

The OPDC has grown to include nine, non-profit centres that share a common structure, philosophy and an deep commitment in providing high, quality, parent-involved child care programs. Together, the OFPDC delivers 780 licensed childcare spaces in Ottawa.

 Over a three year period, the Federation underwent a transformation process through consultation and decision-making to develop a closer, more sustainable administrative and governance structure.

The project, “SCIF—Strengthening the Cooperatives into the Future” main goal was to better position the OFPDC member centres to be more responsive to their communities’ needs while expanding the variety of programs and range of services flexible to parents diverse needs.

Rebranded as the Ottawa Federation of Parents’ Childcare Services (OFPCS), a new administrative structure and governance model was designed to better support individual centres. OFPCS’ Board and its Central Administration collectively respond to the changing early learning and care service landscape.

Administrative efficiencies and economies of scale have been sought for the purposes of expansion of new programs and services while continuing to foster centre autonomy.