The children in Brown Bear Day Care are recognized as crucial contributors to our future society.

Their days are filled with endless opportunities for learning, growing and experiencing.

The centre is dedicated to helping them develop a sense of joy and wonder in the world around them.

All activities at Brown Bear Day Care, be they teacher-directed or child-directed, indoor or outdoor, will present a constant opportunity for fine and gross motor development as well as social interaction with peers and teachers.

Their intellect will be continually stimulated throughout the active part of their day through responsive, respectful adult-child interactions capitalizing on teachable moments. Additionally, all age/developmentally-appropriate toys, puzzles and books will be geared to sparking curiosity, thoughtfulness and interest in subjects and experiences to which they are exposed.

The centre operates out of a house that has been modified to adhere to Ministry requirements and is mindfully kept home-like in order to maintain a warm and homey atmosphere for children.

It is our aim to create a second home for children in which they feel secure, comfortable and free to engage in our exciting activities and pursue their interests during the hours that they are away from their parents.