Site Management Services Regina Inc. is a commercial and municipal paving and concrete company located in Regina Sk.

For 19 years it has been our goal to provide professional service and we work directly with each client to provide the best results in quality and workmanship.

It’s about more than hitting a bottom line for us; it’s about putting the customer first and delivering a superior product that will stand the test of time.

We believe our commitment to service is what makes us one of the best paving companies in Southern Saskatchewan.

Our skilled service team goes far beyond surfacing, repairing and maintaining a parking lot.

We are a paving company built on an unrivaled engineering foundation and a commitment to leading the industry in providing cutting-edge asphalt and concrete technologies, products and processes.

This creates a significant advantage: the highest quality, most durable work—on time and in budget—planned and executed to maximize long term return on your investment.

Site Management offers a wide range of services including, roadway and new parking lot design, concrete and concrete construction, asphalt resurfacing, site preparation, excavation, cold milling and synthetic curb stops.